Saturday, November 14, 2015

Clash of Clans: Clan War Strategy

Clan war strategy determines whether we win glory and loot or fall as flat as a pancake below the stove.

Beyond communication, the aspiration of all clan warriors is: attack the most-difficult base you can three-star. By attacking a base you can three-star, you will make sure the clan benefits from your attacks (i.e. you put points on the board, and no one needs to clean up your mess).

By attacking the most-difficult base in that range, you will do your best not to steal targets from lower-level clan members.

Our most strong and fearsome warriors (top five or so) have a special responsibility, because they can attack bases that no one else can. Top warriors often wait until late in the war to see where their powerful attacks are most needed. (And when they attack an enemy fortress, they are not necessarily aiming for three stars.)

Finally, make sure you are familiar with the Clan's basic war rules !

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