Friday, November 13, 2015

Clash of Clans: Clan War Basic

After each two-day war, the clan with the most stars wins. Stars on the easy bases count the same as stars on hard bases toward the team total.

Each participant receives a loot bonus for any base successfully defeated. One-star, two-star, and three-star attacks return the same loot bonus. The winning team receives a full bonus. The losing team receives only 20% of the advertised bonus (40% for a tie).

Each participant has two attacks. You may only attack the same base once, but the clan may launch any number of attacks against the same base.

Clans wage wars in multiples of five. (E.g. 30 vs. 30; 15 vs. 15). If the clan membership is not a multiple of five, then only the top members — based on trophy count — will participate. (E.g. if a clan has 38 members, then only the top 35 will go to war.)

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